Call for Proposals: RRC-EA Wetland Fund 2024

Deadline: 10th November 2023 | Call For Proposals: RRC-EA Wetland Fund 2024

The RRC-EA Wetland Fund 2024 is now accepting project submissions for financing support from the Ramsar Regional Centre for East Asia (RRC-EA).


Thematic Subjects

The RRC-EA Wetland Fund 2024 is divided into two (2) theme categories.

Area thematic 1

  • To assist the fulfilment of the 4th Ramsar Strategic Plan 2016–2024, wetlands must be conserved and used wisely.

  • Wetland site/ecological assessments and research studies that will support the development and updating of Ramsar Site/wetland management plans,

  • Designation of Ramsar Sites.

  • Implementation of activities that support the preparation or updating of Ramsar Site Information Sheets, socioeconomic and ecological studies to determine possible expansion of Ramsar Site boundaries, and designation of Ramsar Sites

  • Assisting with the procedures for creating and carrying out wetland restoration plans that are in line with Ramsar Site/wetland management plans;

  • Supporting processes for the creation or revision of national wetland CEPA action plans or programmes; invasive species control measures

  • Joint development and implementation of activities with the private sector.

  • Provision of capacity building support for Ramsar Site and wetland managers

  • Evaluation of wetland ecosystem services/values and management effectiveness of Ramsar Sites.

  • Wetland research or capacity building activities on ecosystem-based disasters

Topical area 2

  • Any form of World Wetlands Day celebration is welcome in 2024, but efforts should focus on engaging stakeholders who aren’t typically active in issues pertaining to the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands.

Financial Details

  • Four (4) projects for Thematic Area 1: USD 10,000 (KRW 12,500,000)

  • Three (3) projects for Thematic Area 2: USD 5,000 (KRW 6,250,000)


  • Projects can only be completed within a year.

Target Nations

  • 16 Ramsar Contracting Parties in East, Southeast, and South Asia, including Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Republic of Korea, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Mongolia, Nepal, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Viet Nam, are the program’s target nations.


  • The following requirements must be met by applicants: they must have experience in at least one of the thematic areas; they must have connections or networks with different wetland stakeholders (practitioners, researchers, policymakers, and local communities) engaged in at least one of the thematic areas; they must be able to promote active stakeholder participation; and they must have strong management and communication skills.

Visit RRC-EA for additional information.

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