Call for Applications: International Climate Protection Fellowship

Are you engaged in research or practical activities pertaining to climate protection or the conservation of climate-relevant resources in your native country, which is a developing or transitional non-European nation? If so, you are cordially invited to apply for an International Climate Protection Fellowship by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.


As part of your fellowship, if you are a future leader, you will complete a one-year research project in Germany; if you are a postdoc, your work will involve long-term academic research (12-24 months).

A maximum of fifteen International Climate Protection Fellowships are given annually to aspiring leaders and five are given to postdoctoral scholars. The International Climate Initiative is the source of funding for the fellowships.

The goals

  • International cooperation across borders is the only way to address the worldwide challenge that climate change presents. The programme advances this goal by giving aspiring decision-makers and multipliers the opportunity to exchange expertise with specialised colleagues in Germany. It does this by considering practical applicability in the fellows’ home countries.

  • The programme aims to support future leaders in their endeavours and projects to combat climate change, develop and implement adaptation strategies, preserve ecosystems and biodiversity, and promote the sustainable use of oceans and seas. This is done in the spirit of Agenda 2030 and the related Sustainable Development Goals.

  • It also covers issues of sustainability related to urban growth, resource efficiency, and natural resources. The initiative encourages the growth of enduring relationships and cooperative efforts with colleagues in Germany.


  • The following benefits may be awarded in addition to the monthly fellowship payment of €2,000, €2,300, or €2,500, depending on the career stage:

  • Mobility lump amount as a reimbursement for costs associated with required travels for conferences and research, stays at archives and libraries, etc. both within and outside of Germany;

  • Reimbursement for the expense of liability and medical insurance;

  • Lump sum for travel expenditures in the event that no third party is paying them;

  • The fellowship covers the cost of an intensive one- to two-month German language training in Germany before the fellowship. The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation may offer financial assistance to fellows who have been awarded fellowships so they can continue to advance their German language proficiency while they are still in their home nations. It is highly recommended that fellows who speak little or no German enrol in a two-month intensive language programme in Germany;

  • Allowances for family members visiting and remaining for a minimum of three months;

  • For parents who are single: a flat fee for children (up to age 18) who join them for durations of three months or longer;

  • Fellowship extension of up to three months in the event that the fellow travels to Germany with children under the age of twelve;

  • Permission for travel to Europe for up to two months of research at a different European institution during the fellowship, as long as it’s required to complete the research-based project in issue;

  • A monthly allowance of €800 for research-based proposals in the natural and engineering sciences and €500 for projects in the humanities and social sciences to cover the expense of research;

  • Generous alumni money following a successful first semester in Germany, with a focus on assistance for networking with German partners for future collaborations throughout the fellow’s career.


  • Prior to the application deadline, qualified applicants must have spent at least 12 months of the previous 18 months living and working in one of the qualifying nations. All stays outside of the qualifying nations—which includes Germany—are considered, regardless of their length or purpose.

  • Not eligible to apply is anyone who, regardless of where they live, has worked on a PhD project or studied at a German institution during the last 18 months, or who has supported themselves for more than six of those months on funding from a German institution.

  • Applicants should apply to the appropriate alumni sponsorship programmes instead of this one if they have already received funding from the Humboldt Foundation in the form of a fellowship or award.

  • The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation does not allow those financed under the International Climate Protection Fellowships to apply for other fellowships.

For more information, visit the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.