Call For Application: MFWA Digital Public Infrastructure Journalism Fellowship in 2023 West Africa.

August 7, 2023 is the application deadline. | Call For Application: MFWA Digital Public Infrastructure Journalism Fellowship in 2023 West Africa.

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The MFWA, with financial assistance from and in collaboration with Co-Develop, is launching a regional media fellowship program for journalists in West Africa as part of efforts to increase public awareness.

The goal of this effort is to create and expand a network of journalists in West Africa who possess the necessary expertise to write compelling and high-quality reporting on DPI/DPGs. In the end, the work of these journalists would improve public knowledge of DPI/DPGs, public access to information about them, and public participation in the development and implementation of DPI/DPGs policy throughout West Africa.

The three-month (September to November 2023) fellowship for the program’s chosen journalists will include seminars for training, mentoring, and story development. The recipient journalists will continue to participate in network activities and article production on DPI/DPG issues beyond the three-month fellowship.

There will be an in-person and online Fellowship. Mentors and trainers will interact remotely with Fellows for the first six weeks and the final four. Fellows will meet in Accra, Ghana during the seventh and eighth weeks of the Fellowship for additional in-person and peer-to-peer experience-sharing sessions.

Each fellow is required to have written at least two noteworthy articles about DPI/DPGs by the end of the Fellowship. The publication of the fellows’ articles in their respective news media organizations will be mandatory. Additionally, a certificate of participation will be given to fellows.


Mentorship and training possibilities

  • A $500 monthly stipend for fellows and $700 for their media organizations is provided to support the creation, publication, and programming of stories.

  • Additionally, Fellows will be qualified for DPI/DPGs Reporting Grants.

  • During the in-person meeting in Ghana, lodging, food, and health insurance coverage were provided.

Requirements for Selection

  • The capacity to cooperate in a variety of organizations and respect others’ perspectives

  • solid interpersonal and communication abilities

  • a motivated, upbeat attitude at work; and

  • ICT basics, interest in digitalization concerns, or practical experience

Application and Closing Dates:

The fellowship application form must be completed by interested candidates. A 350-word maximum statement of interest, a CV with two references, a declaration of support from the applicant’s media organization, and a copy of any applicable national identity are all required on the application form. The application must be submitted by August 7, 2023.

Only candidates who have been shortlisted will receive email notifications.

Please get in touch with the MFWA at, Abigail Larbi at abigail[@], and Vivian Affoah at vivian[@] for more information.

For Additional Information

Call For Application: MFWA Digital Public Infrastructure Journalism Fellowship in 2023 West Africa,