Building Women’s Capacity to Produce Mobile Biodigesters and Biogas Cooking Stoves in Madagascar

In order to promote domestic biogas service and better adapted biogas stoves, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is inviting national and international nongovernmental organisations (NGOs) as well as organisations of the Malagasy civil society (CSO) to submit their proposal in the area of women’s empowerment.


Through its activities, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) country office in Madagascar hopes to support the overarching goal of giving 500 million people, half of whom are women, access to clean, sustainable, and cheap energy. In order to do this, the national office is in charge of a number of programmes and projects targeted at enhancing access to contemporary energy services that can increase their level of independence.

The national Africa Mini grid Programme (AMP) project’s “Powering Equality” campaign offers a chance to increase Malagasy women’s access to clean, cheap energy and to empower them to take charge of structural change. By providing them with decentralised solutions for access to decentralised renewable energy access solutions that complement the shortcomings of mini-grids, this effort aims to reach vulnerable women who are the furthest away from mini-grids. By providing specific groups of women with access to clean cooking energy and economic opportunities, this initiative aims to close the access gap.

Goals and anticipated outcomes/deliverables

  • To make a final decision, the pre-selected NGOs/CSOs will be questioned.

  • The proposal gives the following related results priority:

  • Enhancing recipients’ abilities to build and maintain portable residential biodigesters and biogas cooking stoves; Empowering women economically; Improving knowledge of energy issues with an eye towards a market with established services;

  • The initiative Energy for Equality’s overarching goal is to:

  • R.1: Creation of energy alternatives to biomass (firewood and charcoal) for two groups of women (at least 10 women per group) through instruction in the construction and upkeep of mobile biodigesters for domestic biogas production as well as the creation of biogas cookers from locally available materials that are more affordable;

  • R.2: Support for the development of women’s cooperatives to ensure investments and income; adoption of entrepreneurship tools by specific groups of women; access to the market for energy goods. Training in entrepreneurship and market opportunities.

Financial Details

  • For direct interventions, including all costs associated with training and equipment activities in the two locations, proposal amounts should not exceed USD 35,000.

  • Intervention Zones

  • Each region will choose one (01) group of ladies, each with at least 10 women.

  • Ankililoaky Rural Commune (District of Toliara II) and Analamanga Region (Communes: Mahitsy & Antananarivo) in the south-west.

Final Recipients

  • The ultimate benefactors of this project are the target women or groups of women and their local communities.

eligibility requirements

  • In order for women to access and participate in economic activities related to biogas services, proposals must be centred on the principle of empowering women and specifically target women as direct and final beneficiaries.

  • This is done by enhancing their competence in the development of energy produced by biogas.

For more information, visit UNDP.