Beit Trust Postgraduate Scholarships in South Africa & the UK

For universities in the UK and South Africa, the next round of Beit Scholarships will be given out for the academic year starting in September 2024 and January 2025, respectively.



  • By law, the Beit Trust can only provide financial aid to citizens of Zambia, Zimbabwe, or Malawi who have a permanent address, dwell there, and/or plan to return after completing their studies.

  • The applicant must be under 35 on December 31, 2023. After earning a first degree, relevant work experience is highly advised and will be taken into consideration when deciding whether to give a scholarship.

  • Doctors and veterinarians must have completed an 18-month internship and a one-year assignment in Zambia, Zimbabwe, or Malawi, ideally in a rural area.

  • The Trust is unable to take into account applications from people who have already started a programme.

  • Only applicants with undergraduate degrees with a First Class/Distinction or Upper Second Class Honours (or an equivalent) will be taken into consideration by the Trust.

  • Worth of Scholarships

    • fees, tuition, and other associated academic charges. These are given directly to the Partner Universities by the Trust.

    • A personal allocation for maintenance support that is index-linked in accordance with recommendations from a separate authority.

    • Additional payments are made for a laptop, arrival, and departure.

    • For the initial trip to the place of study and the last return, economy class tickets are offered.Spouses and other family members or dependents are not given any allowances.

Application Methodology:

  • Please make sure you have all of the documents listed below prepared for electronic upload. Once you begin the application procedure, you must finish it since you cannot store your answers and come back to them later. However, before you start filling out the form, you will be able to scroll through it. The following documents must be uploaded together with your application:

  • A Medical Certificate Form that your doctor has signed. You must finish this before starting the application process below. To download the form, click here. Form of Medical Certificatea PDF document listing the university(s) and course(s) you’ll apply to at a South African Partner University(s); or a copy of your offer letter from a UK Partner University(s).Results of the degree, including all transcripts and important certifications.CV, or curriculum vitae.

  • A 500-word personal statement outlining why you believe earning a graduate degree will help your nation and its development.

  • A recent, clear photo of yourself—not your passport photo—that best captures your features.

  • A clear copy of your current passport that clearly shows the issuance date and expiration. Please make sure it has enough blank pages to fit any required visas and travel stamps, and that it is valid for the entire time of your anticipated study.

For Additional Information