Associate Project Officer Job Vacancy In Congo

Date of expiration: Thursday, September 28, 2023 | Associate Project Officer Job Vacancy In Congo | UNESCOGeneral

Associate Project Officer – Culture Sector is the description of the assignment.

Continent of assignment: Congo

Date of anticipated start: 11/02/2023

Goal 11 of the Sustainable Development Agenda: Sustainable towns and cities

International UN University Volunteer is a type of volunteer

Entity hosting: UNESCO COG

Form: On-site

Timeframe: six months

One assignment was made.

Stations of duty: Brazzaville



Objectives and the mission

The United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization is referred to as UNESCO. Through education, the sciences, culture, communication, and information, it seeks to contribute to the creation of a culture of peace, the eradication of poverty, sustainable development, and intercultural dialogue.


The national UN volunteer will assist the UNESCO office in Brazzaville with daily tasks, initiatives, and cultural sector priorities, particularly with relation to the promotion of the cultural and creative sectors. Additionally, the incumbent is in charge of placing UNESCO within the pertinent frameworks of the United Nations and ensuring UNESCO’s participation in the “Delivering as One” initiative in the sphere of culture in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Additionally, the incumbent will support the development, implementation, monitoring, and reporting of programs and projects as well as resource-raising efforts made by the Office in support of UNESCO’s global priorities (Africa and Gender Equality) and cross-cutting thematic areas, such as Culture and Education, Culture and Climate Change, and Indigenous Peoples, in line with the priorities of the Culture sector for the biennium 2023–2024.

mission statement

  • The UN Volunteer will carry out the following duties under the direct supervision of the UNESCO Head of Office in Congo and the Head of the Culture Sector in Central Africa:

  • Develop policies, strategies, and plans in Congo that are in line with the aims and strategies of the culture sector. Help national and local authorities by offering them policy recommendations, technical help, capacity-building, and networking aid in order to promote culture as a tool for sustainable development,

  • Participate in the procedures used to discover, develop, put into action, track, and report on projects that will strengthen the Regular Programme by enlisting partnerships and volunteer contributions.

  • Contribute to the design, implementation, monitoring, evaluation, and reporting of UN joint programs and procedures by helping to establish entrance sites for culture in accordance with national activities and needs.

  • By writing newsletter articles and social media posts for the UNESCO’s websites (Facebook and Twitter), you may assist in preserving the visibility of the sector’s efforts in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

  • provide frequent reporting and act as a contact between UNESCO and partners in the cultural sector, especially the Ministry of Culture;

  • perform other duties and obligations as specified by the supervisor;

  • Whenever possible and appropriate, suggesting improvements. Additionally, UN Volunteers are expected to

  • gain a deeper understanding of the idea of volunteering by reading pertinent UNV and outside publications and actively participating in UNV activities (for instance, International Volunteer Day celebrations);

  • learn about and expand on the traditional and/or local volunteerism in the host nation;

  • Think about the kind and caliber of the volunteer action they are carrying out, as well as their involvement in continuous reflection activities;

  • contribute field experience-related writings to UNV publications such as websites, newsletters, press releases, etc.;

  • aid in the UN Volunteer Buddy Program for recently arrived UN Volunteers;

  • When it is technically feasible, encourage relevant local people and organizations to use the UNV Online Volunteering service or promote or offer advice to local groups about the use of online volunteering.

  • eligibility requirements

Age: 18 – 26

Additional qualifications


  • The candidate must be a national of a nation other than the one in which they will be assigned.

  • Donor focuses


necessary expertise

  • No prior experience needed

Particular expertise

  • legal issues

  • a driving permit


  • French proficiency is required, while fluency in English is desirable.

required level of education

  • in secondary school

values and abilities

  • Flexibility and Adaptability Building Confidence Commitment to Lifelong Learning Communication Integrity, Leadership, Organization, Planning, and Professionalism Being a Team Player

CLICK HERE To Apply For Associate Project Officer Job Vacancy In Congo

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