Apply to the OCEAN Grants Programme

The OCEAN Grants Programme is an investment of up to £60m that will fund projects through two pathways. OCEAN seeks diverse proposals for projects that prioritize embedding local communities at the centre of their decision-making. | Apply to the OCEAN Grants Programme.


  • OCEAN supports a wide range of projects that work to protect the marine environment and reduce poverty. Projects can be based in any ODA-eligible country and proposals from in-country organisations that work directly with coastal communities are particularly encouraged.

  • All applications are welcomed – from Civil Society Organisations (CSOs), Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs), research institutes and others.

  • Private sector and local government organisations aren’t eligible to receive funding from OCEAN, but are highly encouraged to partner with local non-profit organizations to support their projects.

Grant programmes

The OCEAN Grants Programme is an investment of up to £60m from 2024 until 2029. The initial funding round opened in February 2024 with two different funding pathways.

Community Grants

Community grants, up to £250,000, will fund projects led by small to medium, local, in-country organisations with annual income of less than £1m.

Partnership Grants

Partnership grants, from £250,000 up to £3 million, will be awarded to medium to large organisations that partner with locally led organisations and can deliver projects at scale.

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