Apply for the United States Invest in Others Grant Programme

Two grant opportunities—”Grants for Good” and “Grants for Change”—are being offered by Invest in Others to help support charitable organisations’ urgent needs as well as those of the communities they serve.


The Grants for Good and Grants for Change programmes give people in the financial services sector the chance to raise money for certain initiatives or projects on behalf of a nonprofit they support.

Financial professionals can assist in bridging financing shortfalls by supporting new initiatives or upgrading existing programmes by applying for these grant opportunities.

Grants for Good

  • The Grants for Good programme provides funding to NGOs working on a variety of issues, including but not restricted to the following:

  • culture and the arts

  • programmes for education and youth

  • Fitness and good health

  • Economic progress and social services

  • Prevention of poverty and hunger

  • Armed forces and veterans

Grants for Change

  • The Grants for Change programme provides funding to charities that are devoted to advancing BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Colour) communities’ chances. The following are only a few examples of projects and programmes that could receive funding:

  • Enhancing commercial and internship prospects and fortifying professional networks

  • To lower entrance barriers, chances for mentorship and support services should be made available.

  • Increasing access to education, including fair learning resources, job training, readiness for college and the workforce, and financial literacy

  • Reducing racial healthcare inequities

  • Getting rid of discrimination in the criminal judicial system

Financial Details

  • Grant submissions for programme assistance, startup funds, and capital enhancements will all be taken into consideration. Each grant programme offers nonprofit organisations up to $20,000.

eligibility requirements

  • Anyone who is employed within the financial services industry is qualified to submit an application on behalf of a nonprofit. Employees of asset managers, broker-dealers, clearing houses, custodians, fintech companies, trade associations, insurance firms, TAMPS, wirehouses, and other organisations are also included in this.

  • Previous grant recipients, IiO Award winners, and finalists include: An adviser cannot submit a grant application for the same charity if they have previously been awarded a grant or recognised as a finalist or winner of the IiO Awards within the previous five years. Only another charity in which they are actively engaged may they submit an application. Honourable Mentions for the Invest in Others Awards are still eligible to apply with the same charity.

  • Candidates must be currently serving as volunteers for the nonprofit organisation.

  • One organisation may only be represented by one applicant when submitting an application. If you support more than one, kindly select the charity that best satisfies the requirements. No more than one application will be considered.

  • The nonprofit must be a 501(c)(3) organisation or educational institution that is based in the United States and has been given tax-exempt status. Nonprofit organisations based in the United States that focus on helping people outside of the country are ineligible for this programme.

For more information, visit Invest in Others for further details.