Apply for International Terre de Femmes Award

Deadline: November 30th 2023 | Apply For International Terre de Femmes Award

Are you a prominent lady committed to insect preservation, or are you a group of women? Does your project include local communities and have a significant environmental and social impact? Is your company a foundation, an association, or an NGO? Apply for the Terre de Femmes Award if the answer is yes!


The International Terre de Femmes Award is a theme prize that is available to all women globally and was introduced in 2019. It honours ground-level efforts performed by a woman or group of women inside a nonprofit.

The contest’s objective is to award money for admirable deeds done by women worldwide in support of the environment, with a different theme determined each.


  • “Insects for a living planet” is the theme selected for the sixth edition of the International Prize, and it is as follows:

  • The project of a woman or group of women dedicated to the preservation of insects and their ecosystems by practical actions carried out inside a non-profit organisation (association loi 1901, foundation, NGO) will be recognised with this theme prize in 2024.

  • The Yves Rocher Foundation, a reputable public utility foundation, hopes to encourage women who are dedicated to protecting and promoting the significance of insects as a vital component of the planet’s ecosystem dynamics within their local communities by offering this theme prize.

Details of the Prize

  • There is a €10,000 prize.

Examples of areas where intervention is permitted:

  • Initiatives that support biodiversity in the natural world with an emphasis on insects.

  • Battling to stop the extinction of insect species and restore their diversity.

  • To learn more about and save various species, including bumblebees and ants, study and catalogue them.

  • Maintain delicate habitats in order to sustain the services and ecological processes that insects perform.

  • Enhance the coexistence of “human-animal-insect-plant” within regions.

  • Inform the local populace and the next generation about the importance of protecting insects and their habitats.

  • Projects involving beekeeping are not acceptable because the focus of this award is on wild insect species. On the other hand, they might take into account lucrative studies pertaining to feral honeybees that support swarms of bees that have been released back into the wild.


  • The Yves Rocher Foundation Terre de Femmes International Prize is available to women of legal age worldwide who are working on environmental projects either on a personal basis when their country’s laws and regulations prohibit them from working through a non-profit organisation or through a foundation, association, or NGO.

  • Candidates cannot be workers or employees of Groupe Rocher, members of the Yves Rocher Foundation, or those involved in the contest’s organisation.

  • Each participant may only submit one entry (using their identical first and last name) for the International Prize.

  • The International Prize is not available to the winners of the two(2) prior editions.

  • It is possible to combine participation in the Terre de Femmes France Award from the previous year with participation in the International Prize.

  • By applying for the International Prize, candidates acknowledge that the Yves Rocher Foundation has accepted these rules in full.

For more information, The Yves Rocher Foundation.

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