Amplify Change Grants 2024 (Up to GBP 75,000 total grant)

Amplify Change Grants 2024 offer four grant types, ranging from our smallest Opportunity Grants, supporting civil society organisations working at a local level, to our largest Partnership Grants, supporting established groups to strengthen civil society movements and foster the capacity of smaller civil society organisations (CSOs). Funding is available during time-limited application windows. We support CSOs located in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs).

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AmplifyChange accepts proposals from civil society organisations who are:

  • Located in, and implementing a project in, one of the AmplifyChange eligible countries listed under each grant type.

  • Working on advocacy aiming to achieve change in one of our outcome areas.

  • Focusing on one or more of our sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) priority areas.

AmplifyChange does not accept proposals from:

  • International non-governmental organisations (INGOs) based in high-income countries (HICs).

  • UN agencies

  • Individual activists or researchers

  • Organisations seeking to deliver services unless they contribute to SRHR advocacy and movement building.

We recognise the broad scope of civil society and the wide range of organisations, actors and coalitions it encompasses.

Civil society organisations (CSOs) can include, but are not limited to:

  • Community groups

  • Youth groups

  • Non-governmental organisations

  • Indigenous groups

  • Charitable organisations

  • Women’s rights organisations

  • Faith-based organisations

  • Human rights organisations

  • Research institutes

  • Social enterprises

  • Public-private partnerships

  • Communications and media groups

  • Professional associations


To read detailed grant-specific eligibility criteria and to apply, please click on the relevant grant type below.

  • Grant to support SRHR advocacy at a local level

  • Up to GBP 75,000 total grant amount

  • 1.5 – 2 years