Al Qasimi Foundation Research Seed Grant 2024 (start-up funding (maximum 50,000 AED)

The Al Qasimi Foundation’s Seed Grants provide modest start-up funding (maximum 50,000 AED) to conduct applied research or to pilot initiatives that fall beyond the scope of its Doctoral and Faculty Research programs. Individuals and organizations in the United Arab Emirates and overseas are eligible to apply, and proposals are welcomed from a wide range of disciplines and professional fields. Grant funds are allocated based on the proposal’s budget and may be used for various purposes, such as travel (airfare, car rental, accommodation), research assistant support, equipment purchases, translation or other professional services, event hosting, and printed materials.

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While the call for proposals is broad, anticipated outcomes should benefit the emirate of Ras Al Khaimah in tangible ways. Long-term sustainability may also be considered based on the specified project goals. Up to two Grants are awarded annually. Grant recipients are expected to write one to two policy papers at the conclusion of their project.

Grant Objectives

  • Provide opportunities for individuals or organizations to conduct applied research or pilot initiatives that will have a positive impact on the Ras Al Khaimah community

  • Encourage interdisciplinary thinking and solutions to public policy issues

  • Foster high-quality research and development projects that strengthen the local capacity of Ras Al Khaimah and the United Arab Emirates

  • Promote collaboration among individuals, businesses, academic institutions, and other government and non-government entities in Ras Al Khaimah, the United Arab Emirates, and overseas.

Grant Eligibility

The minimum eligibility criteria for prospective Seed Grant applicants:

  • Applicant must demonstrate collaboration between at least two different organizations, one of which must be in the United Arab Emirates.

  • Applicant must demonstrate collaboration between at least two different organizations, one of which must be in the United Arab Emirates.

  • Applicant must illustrate capacity to successfully undertake the proposed project or applied research based on prior experiences.

  • Applicant must leverage matching funds, expertise, or other in-kind resources to achieve anticipated goals and outcomes.

  • Proposal must focus on the United Arab Emirates, and specifically the emirate of Ras Al Khaimah. If the proposal includes other locations, Ras Al Khaimah must be a significant emphasis and beneficiary of the project.

  • Proposal must address an education, public health, urban planning/development, or closely related public policy issue relevant to Ras Al Khaimah and the United Arab Emirates.

  • Applicant must demonstrate how the proposal aligns with the Al Qasimi Foundation’s 2019-2023 Research, Capacity Development, or Community Engagement strategies. 

  • Proposal must address sustainability considerations and anticipated next steps for once Seed Grant funding ends (as applicable).


Completed Seed Grant Budget Template detailing itemized expenditures and total grant request (Foundation contribution not to exceed 50,000 AED).


Application Deadline

All required materials must be submitted through the grant management portal no later than March 1, 2024. Late or incomplete applications will not be considered. Review generally takes 6-8 weeks based on the volume of submissions received. Applicants should receive an update on the status of their proposal by the end of June 2024. Questions regarding Seed Grants, the application process, or submission status may be sent to [email protected].

For more Information Visit Al Qasimi Foundation Research Seed Grant 2024 official Webiste