aims african masters of machine intelligence (ammi) program (funded)

By emphasising fundamental research in machine intelligence (MI) as well as the creation of a wide range of applications that address both the present and future requirements of Africa and the rest of the globe, the African Masters of Machine Intelligence (AMMI) will train well-rounded machine intelligence (MI) researchers. AMMI alumni will go on to establish and/or join the top private and public R&D labs in Africa and beyond, strengthening the African MI community and the larger scientific community while making significant discoveries that will benefit the entire world.



  • Every student accepted into the AMMI programme is given a full scholarship without having to do anything.

  • All accepted students will be allocated to the campus in Senegal for the school year 2023–2024. Applications that were chosen will receive an admission letter informing them of this choice.

Essential Conditions

  • A bachelor’s degree in mathematics, computer science, computer engineering, or electrical engineering, or an equivalent degree from a recognised institution, is the minimum prerequisite for admission;

  • A favourable academic record, typically a minimum grade point average of B (or 80%) or greater;

  • Artificial intelligence, machine learning, and/or related interests and/or experience as evidenced by courses taken and projects completed;

  • While enrolled at AMMI, you agree to mentor an undergraduate student at your old school; after you graduate, you agree to mentor an AMMI student.

  • strong interest in using science and technology to solve regional or continental challenges.

  • Please get in touch with the AMMI Admissions Office for more information about acceptance documents.

  • Note: Upon arriving on campus, you should have your original degrees, diplomas, academic certificates, and transcripts with you.

For more information, visit the AIMS African Master’s of Machine Intelligence (AMMI) Graduate Program’s official website in 2023 or 2024.