African Peacebuilding Network Individual Research Fellowship (Funding available)

African scholars, researchers, policy analysts, and practitioners working on conflict and peacebuilding issues at universities and research institutions, as well as regional, governmental, and nongovernmental agencies or organizations based in Africa, are encouraged to apply for research fellowships through the African Peacebuilding Network (APN) of the Social Science Research Council (SSRC). (African Peacebuilding Network Individual Research Fellowship )

About the Individual Research Fellowships Program

Key policymakers, practitioners, and research centres of excellence in Africa and worldwide can access peacebuilding knowledge through the Individual Research Fellowship (IRF) program, a fundamental part of the African Peacebuilding Network (APN). It also serves as a vehicle for improving the calibre and visibility of independent African peacebuilding research on a regional and global scale. Recipients of fellowships generate evidence-based information that is pertinent to and has a major influence on academia, policy, and practice related to peacebuilding on the continent. As for the APN, it strives to incorporate the evidence-based knowledge that beneficiaries of fellowship awards generate into peacebuilding-related regional and international discussions, practices, and policies. Additionally, the program aims to create a vibrant and well-known network of African academics and practitioners who can contribute African viewpoints and voices to international discourses, knowledge, and practices related to peacebuilding.

Support is available for research and analysis on the following issues:

  • Causes, drivers, actors, and trajectories of violent conflict;

  • Natural resource conflict: community, national and regional dimensions

  • Geopolitics and histories of conflict, conflict mediation and peace;

  • Minorities, under-represented groups, and the social dynamics of conflict and peace;

  • Climate Change, Energy Transitions, Conflict and Peace

  • Climate change adaptation and mitigation practices and peace

  • Religion and peace

  • Resilience, conflict prevention and transformation;

  • State and non-state armed actors, transnational crime, extremism, displacement, and migration;

  • Post-conflict elections, democratization, governance, and development;

  • Statebuilding, nation-building, identities, and the citizenship question;

  • Transitional justice, reconciliation, and peace;

  • The economic and financial dimensions of peace support operations and post-conflict reconstruction;

  • Regional Economic Communities (RECs), regionalism and peace;

  • UN-AU-REC Partnerships and Peacebuilding Architectures ;

  • Media, digital technology, AI, war, and peacebuilding;

  • Cultures, media, and art(s) of peace;

  • Women, youth, and peacebuilding;

  • Water politics, conflict, and peace;

  • Theater, Music, and Peace

  • Human mobilities, insecurities and peace

  • Peace Education and African Literatures

  • Prevention of mass atrocities; and

  • Diseases, Politics and Peace


  • Fellowships are awarded on a competitive, peer-reviewed basis and are intended to support six months of field-based research, from June 2024 to December 2024.

  • Up to seventeen (17) individual fellowships of a maximum of $15,000 each will be awarded.

  • Women are strongly encouraged to apply.

Recipients of the fellowship must take part in two APN-organized seminars throughout the fellowship year. These workshops will give recipients the chance to improve their research designs, focuses, and methodologies; present their findings; consider how to make their work more accessible to various peacebuilding constituencies through publications and other channels; network, and build positive working relationships with fellows, senior academics, and practitioner facilitators.


  • All applicants must be African citizens currently residing in an African country. This competition is open to African academics, as well as policy analysts and practitioners.

  • Applicants who are academics must hold a faculty or research position at an African university or research organization, and have a PhD obtained no earlier than January 2014. Applicants who have not been awarded their PhDs by February 11, 2024 will not have their cases prioritized to be eligible as academics.

  • Candidates with a background in policy analysis or practice must be based in Africa and employed by a government agency, regional or sub-regional institution, nongovernmental organization, media outlet, or civil society organization. They also need to hold a master’s degree that was earned prior to January 2019 and have at least five years of documented research and professional experience in peacebuilding-related activities across the continent.

Application Process

All applications must be uploaded through our Online Open Water portal


  • Completed Application Form

  • Research Proposal & Bibliography

  • Expected publication(s)

  • Current CV

  • Proposed Research Timeline

  • Proposed Research Budget

  • Two Reference Letters

  • Language Evaluation(s) (if required)

For more Information about Individual Research Fellowship , Visit African Peacebuilding Network official website

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