African Masterclass Series iii for young innovators

The African Masterclass Series III is a three-week immersive learning event that aims to provide you the skills you need to make a bigger impact through the explosive junction of social innovation and personal change. It acknowledges that individuals who pursue personal development and self-improvement, leading to a deeper understanding of their values and skills for resolving urgent issues facing communities and society, are the starting point for good change.


Six social innovators who have made a real-time social impact in each of their various impact areas are featured in this series. Other changemakers and social innovators will be given the tools they need to promote sustainable development and good change in local communities and society at large by sharing their experiences, key insights, and gaps in their particular impact areas.


  • Discover social innovation once more by being familiar with the process and journey of developing effective social innovations.

  • Enhance Welfare and Well-Being: Improve the welfare and well-being of people and communities.

  • Promote Personal Growth: Develop a growth mentality, a positive approach, and self-reflection.

  • Deepen your grasp of your own strengths, limitations, values, and emotions.

  • Personal Transformation: Decide where you need to improve and start your transformational path.

  • Attitude Shift: Develop a different attitude to open up new doors and opportunities for social innovation, influence, and personal development.

  • Emotional Resilience: Heal emotional wounds to increase the capacity of people, groups, and communities to handle emotional stress.


  • New social practises known as “social innovations” are intended to better address societal requirements than current approaches. It also describes the creation and use of fresh concepts, plans, or approaches to solve social problems and enhance the wellbeing of people, groups, and society at large.

  • The MasterClass Series’ main objective is to link young changemakers with influential mentors by bringing together African innovators and global leaders. We think that everyone who envisions a successful future needs an energetic ecosystem.

  • The process of transforming several facets of our identity, behaviours, and lifestyle is known as personal transformation. It addresses both the process of self-improvement, in which we actively engage in transformation, and the ultimate condition of being, in which the transformation has fully taken place and we have undergone a fundamental shift. It is about changing from saying, “I am transforming,” to saying, “I am transformed.”

  • This third edition, with the theme “ImpactX: Create Greater Impact through Personal Transformation and Social Innovation,” emphasises the value of embracing social innovation and personal transformation for organisational and individual growth in order to advance social transformation and promote sustainable development in Africa and around the world.

  • It will highlight social innovators from various SDG themes and pillar competences who, via their work in the African setting, are making an impact that they will communicate in real time. All modules are offered entirely online, together with worksheets, mentor interviews, and other supplementary materials.


  • Open to change-makers and innovators.

  • Must be citizens of Africa.

For more information, visit African MasterClass Series III.