Access Bank ART X Prize 2023/2024 grant for rising artists ($10 000)

The scope and remit of the Access ART X Prize have been greatly enlarged for the 2023–2024 season. Early-career artists from Africa and its diaspora are given opportunities to advance their careers through the Access ART X Prize, positioning them for the highest levels of achievement on the international stage.


By including up-and-coming artists from all around Africa and its diaspora as well as young Nigerian artists, this Prize has undergone tremendous development.

The Prize for the Nigerian Winner

  • Gasworks, London residency; ART X, Lagos exhibition, 2024

  • Support in the form of a donation of $10,000

  • A priceless chance for cultural exchange

African/diaspora winner

  • A residency at Yinka Shonibare’s GAS Foundation in Lagos, as well as an exhibition at ART X Lagos 2024.

  • Support in the form of a donation of $10,000

  • A priceless chance for cultural exchange

Application for Access Bank ART X Prize 2023/2024 Grant For Rising Artists ($10000)

  • Artists who have committed at least three years to their practise are encouraged to submit their proposals to the Access Bank ART X Prize. Please send an artist bio, a portfolio, and a motivation letter in order to apply.

  • The 2023 October 18th application deadline has been set.

For more information, visit the Access Bank ART X Prize 2023/2024 Official Website.